2012年3月28日 星期三

[Vancouver 溫哥華] Amazing waffles by WE. Coffee

I can't say I'm a waffle lover. Mostly because few waffle shops could amaze me. But WE. Coffee did!
I wish I could explain how and why some waffles tasted better than the others, but again I am being restrained by my lack of pastry knowledge... I'm just a real ordinary foody... all I can tell you is they're GOOD. But then again I guess food is a lot like love. You know it when you meet it. You just know. cuz your heart melts! LOL

我說不上是個鬆餅狂熱者,大概因為真的很少吃到很好吃的鬆餅。在台灣大家常大排長龍的名店,我也都覺得普普而已。但是WE. Coffee的鬆餅真的讓我說出"好吃噎!"三個字。其實真的很難解釋為什麼有些鬆餅難吃有些好吃.....缺乏烘焙專業總令人詞窮。我只能告訴你就是好吃。我想食物和戀愛一樣吧~~~與對的人/食物邂逅,你當下就知道,對了!因為你的心會告訴你~(推托的言論,笑)

Amazing waffles by WE. Coffee

What was planned to be a sweet wrap-up of a night suddenly became the highlight. I was so stuffed from all the tapas and ribs and rice we just had from the amazing Hapa Izakaya, and was really looking forward to no more than maybe a scoop of Gelato or a tiny piece of cheesecake. But that was until we stepped inside WE. Coffee.

本來我們只是想吃點甜點當今晚的句點,沒想到竟成為今晚的亮點!明明才剛從Hapa Izakaya結束滿足的晚餐,應該吃一小球冰淇淋或一小口蛋糕就好了,結果當我們走進WE. Coffee之後.....

2012年3月26日 星期一

[Vancouver 溫哥華] Fusion Cuisine 美麗海邊的創意和食: Hapa Izakaya

I love Vancouver. Not just because my best best girl friend is there, but also because of its beautiful mountains, sunny beaches, spectacular starry-starry-nights, tidy streets and houses, and most of all: its FOOD!! 

我愛溫哥華。除了因為認識半輩子的手帕交在那裡之外,溫哥華是個美麗的都市;有壯闊的山,乾淨的海,驚人的星空,舒服寬敞的街道和住宅區,更重要的: 有美食!!

Almost one out of three months, I get to come to Vancouver. Lucky for me, this time I got my girl friend as my food guide, and we went to check out this yummy Japanese food place: Hapa Izakaya

幾乎每兩三個月就會飛一次溫哥華。這趟難得手帕交有空,帶我去吃了一家很好吃的創意日本料理: Hapa Izakaya(好奇寶寶字典: Hapa: 夏威夷語, 意思是與南太平洋融合的。 Izakaya: 居酒屋, 顧名思義是和洋創意料理~)

Hapa (fusion) Izakaya: the look of the menu